Sunday, September 23, 2012

~Busy, Busy, Busy~

I am very neglectful when it comes to this blog.  There just isnt enough hours in a week and now that spring has sprung there are even less as the garden needs its weekly dose of love also to get it back to its former glory.
I became a nanna last sons fiancee' gave birth to a cute baby boy, 7lb 10oz and they have called him Chase Tatum.  Sadly though I will not see him much as my soon to be daughter inlaw does not like me and my son will do anything to keep her happy.  
My daughter moved out last weekend also and that has left a huge hole in my life...I am missing her terribly...she was my partner in confidant, my friend and my headache at times also.  I am missing her laughter and warped sense of humor.  She needed to move out for a lot of reason but mostly for her job as works in the city and we live and hour and a half out of the city and it was making for a long day so now it is only a 20 minute drive for her.  She also needed to stand on her own two feet (she is 22) as I was doing everything for her (cooking, cleaning etc).  I finally had the courage yesterday to clean out the last few things from her room and it was hard knowing she wont be back in there but she is happy and loving her new found independence so I am happy for her.
I am hoping to maybe turn her room into a sewing/craft room as my poor machines have been stored away in the shed since we moved to this house but I have been busy doing some crochet which I might add I haven't done since before my daughter was born (22 years ago).  I miss sewing but I am not game to change her room atm in case she ends up back home.

I have also stopped selling on my fb page ~ShAbBy PrIm DeLiGhTs~for the moment as I just dont have the time to maintain it at present so now my fb page is just a place I share my love of shabby images.  My house is still over flowing so I am having a garage sale with a friend of mine at Roseworthy next month so hopefully I can clear some of my wonderful treasures there. 

                         I dont know who painted this but I do love the shabby colours                           

Hope you find that elusive treasure you have been hunting for .....


Monday, July 30, 2012

Saturday, June 30, 2012

~Pinks for Pinks Sake~

~Still winter here in my part of the matter how hard I try to wish it away, and to top it off I have caught a head cold.   Head colds are the most annoying of bugs...not only do they make you feel horrible they make you look horrible.  So needless to say I am in hiding until I look a little more presentable or at least until the nose stops glowing~
Good thing Pinks always make me happy :)
Have a fabulous weekend in your part of the world and dont forget to stop by Beverleys at How Sweet The Sound and check out all the other lovely Pink Posts
& if your feeling under the weather also......get better soon :)

~Happy Pink Saturday~

~Vintage Pink Chocolate Box~

~Love the Aqua & Pink Together~

~Pink Lemonade~

~Stunning Pink Dress~

~Cutie Patootie Caravan.....wish I had one of these~

~A Gorgeous Pink Bedroom~

*Pictures are fom Tumblr & Pinterest (I do not own any)


Saturday, June 23, 2012

~Winter Blues oops Pinks~

~Good Morning~
Its a cold wet dreary day in Gawler. 
 I will be glad when Winter is over and Spring is on the way. 
Thankyou to Bevereley from How Seet The Sound
for being our gracious host.

Pink Tea Box

Old Foley Roses

Old English Jug

This jug was my mums and she used it to warm my baby bottles in (im forty something) it is one from a set of three but only two remain and I have them both.  Love china with a history :)

Small pink shelf in the kitchen

~HaPpY piNk SaTuRdAy~


Friday, June 1, 2012

~Saturday Pinkies~

Actually its Friday here in Gawler and I have a very busy Saturday coming up, so Friday is now Saturday.
My pink this week...well its actually mostly blue but is does have a pink back and some pink on the front and a little pink around the edges and a dusty pink vintage velvet yep I think it qualifies as my pink entry for this week Pink Saturday.  Ok so what is my 'Pink' for this week you may is my gorgeous vintage fabric feather filled  'Blush China' cushion from Bella's Vintage Fabric.  She uses the most gorgeous fabrics and trims to create amazing cushions.  So if you get a chance pop over and say hi and tell I sent you :)
Lastly but not leastly...a special thanx as always to the lovely Beverley at How sweet The Sound for playing host each and every week.
~Have a Perfect Pink Saturday~

Just had to share my new saucepan set I bought myself last week

And a shabby sign I made myself too



Saturday, May 26, 2012

~Its a 'Happy Birthday' Pink Saturday~

A Huge thankyou to Beverly from How Sweet The Sound because without her and her dedication we all wouldn't be here each and every Saturday to celebrate our love of Pink.


~My pinks aren't looking very pink today as it is very dark and dreary here~


Saturday, May 19, 2012

~Pretty Pinks for a Pink Saturday~

Life has been so busy this week I almost forgot about ~Pink Saturday~ (I know bad is that)
Normally I have something I bought to share or a photo of something from my home...but my phone is camera is flat so that leaves one option....Pinterest....when all else fails I can always rely on Pinterest to come to the rescue and provide pink.

Have a fabulous  Pink Weekend and thankyou to the lovely Beverly from ~How Sweet the Sound~ for playing host.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

~New Blog Alert~

~Just paid a visit to Tobi over at The Pink Pixie Forest who has always delighted me with her whimisical look on life and the gorgeous Blingy, sparkly things she makes.  Well now for a double treat she has another new Blog called Sparkle Mining which is about...hang on I will let Tobi explain it....


Sometimes life gets tough, we stuff our real feelings , "suck it up" and just get on with it. Think of this as an "emotional bandaid" of sorts. The problem is when we continue to stuff our feelings, over time we will begin to feel jaded, not so happy... sometimes we just feel like we are going thru the motions of life. We can even forget what USED to make us happy, what made us SPARKLE.
Sparkle Mining is a safe place to start reclaiming your joy- your sparkle. It is full of resources to help you start mining... start your emotional "search and rescue",then cleaning up, polishing and reclaiming the lost parts of yourself so you can sparkle again!
Life happens...Sparkle Anyway!

So take the time to pop in for a visit to BOTH of these beautiful, beautiful blogs and as a added bonus...are you ready.............TOBI IS HAVING  A GIVEAWAY!!!   

You can win this amazing sparkly one of a kind Tobi Tree.

Thanx Tobi :)


Friday, May 11, 2012

~Pink Saturday for Mother's Day~

A special weekend for Mums & Moms,  depending on where your from.
I will be catching up with my mum (who is 83) on Staurday night at a combined Mothers day, nephews 17th birthday night at my brother's home.

We might have some pink Champagne......

and maybe some pink cupcakes......

and what about some pink roses, that smell divine.......before giving mum her present.........

A Pink Queen Anne Bed you think she will like it?

A very special Happy Pink Mothers Day to all the mums,

and as always...thankyou to Beverley from How Sweet The Sound
for being our lovely hostess each and every week;


Saturday, May 5, 2012

~Pink Saturday Market Finds~

~Finally got motivated early last Sunday and headed off to the local Markets.  They are not very big ..maybe 30 stalls tops consisting mostly of 2nd hand goods and a few produce stalls.  Found two beautiful unknown dish which appeals purely on its shape and colour-Pink of course and a rather ratty looking silver plated jug that was in need of a clean just so I could see how bad it was..but it was only a $1.00 so I had nothing to are my treasures....

~Last night I went to another market and found these two gorgeous new items at bargain prices~
Good week all round at the markets.
and dont forget to pop over and see Beverley @ How Sweet The Sound.
Our Lovely hostess.
~Perfume Bottle which looks like mercury glass~

~Glass Jar in rusty carrier~


Saturday, April 28, 2012

~Pinks for Pink Saturday~

~Another week has rushed by and its Pink Saturday again~  
Thankyou to Beverley @How Sweet the Sound for being host each and every week~

